These aren't all the pictures we have. Check out our Facebook page for more.
We currently take cash, checks, money orders, and PayPal orders. If you want to schedule a credit card order, please include the name shown on the front of the card, billing address, card number, expiration date, and CVV2 value (3 numbers on the back next to the signature line).
Buy 5 in one category, get one free! If you want to e-mail me a picture to print and/or frame, I'll be happy to for the price of the frame plus $10.
We also are happy to make t-shirts, hats, tapestries, mugs, buttons, and bumper stickers. You can have your favorite picture put on any of these. It may take a while to process your order, but we'll get to it as soon as we can.
Photo album prices are based on the number and size of the prints used, the cost to us of the album, and labor ($20). For example, a photo album we buy for $20 and fill with 50 4"x6" prints ($84), will cost our customer $124, which already includes shipping and tax.
Prices no longer include shipping and sales tax, so we will need to know your preferred shipping method to determine the rate.
Thank You!!
If you are using a 3-G or older phone to view this, please email your request to Otherwise, to make a purchase or request event coverage, please fill the corresponding form.
Artwork Purchase Form:
Event Coverage Request Form:
We charge $10/hr (including travel time, if over an hour), plus travel expenses for any event.
Got a book idea? We publish. Here are the examples we have so far, both of which are available here and at